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Kelston Roundhill

February 2023 ・ Kelston

A major landmark where I live is Kelston Roundhill, a circular patch of trees at the very top of the highest hill for miles around. When driving from the west, it’s the first sight of home, even if we can’t see it from home.

Anyway, me and Roddy walked up there this bright February morning. At the top, you can see Bristol sprawling to the west, Somerset blanketing the south, Bath nestled into the valley in the east.

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I struggle with the idea of taking black and white photographs, and yet I love them.

Hotch potch
An assortment of photos that I took over 2023, mostly around Bath.

We took young Roddy to visit his mum, Maple, and sister, Scout.

Kelston Roundhill
A circular patch of trees at the very top of the highest hill for miles around.

Stockholm trip
Stockholm looked beautiful under frost, brief sun, and long darkness.