My review of BioShock Infinite
April 07, 2013 ・ Blog

It’s not art, but I like it.
For a linear shooter, anyway. The rush of Important Complicated Explanation at the end was rather too much, there were too many guns, a few of the Vigors lacked sharp enough differentiation, and I spent too much time rooting in bins and desks for coins. But all that was easily made by up its often breathtaking art design, detailing and set-pieces, plus its fluid action.
Also, I like this quote from Ken Levine:
Look, I can’t say I’m a man of high taste. I’m a man of low taste. I like action movies and comic books — not that all comic books are of low taste. Not that all action movies are of low taste. I like things exploding. I like candy and cookies.
→ Grantland
Which speaks to Infinite, through and through. Makes all the rubbish about the game being either profoundly meaningful or profanely violent melt away.