Comments in the cloud
December 26, 2009 ・ Blog

From Iain Tait’s Trend Predictions For 2010. Spot on, I say, and a good thing, too.
Commentary is and should be disparate - to attempt to contain all relevant discussion in the tidy comments list below the original article is just pissing in the wind. And the good stuff is so often dislocated from the source, anyway - I rarely comment on posts, but often talk about them elsewhere.
Besides, the sooner good material is stopped from getting polluted by crappy comments the better. It breaks my heart to see another carefully written piece immediately followed by a thoughtless line of crap spat out in an instant.
All we need, then, are commentary aggregators, pulling stuff from Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and all that jazz. Separate yet inclusive, embracing plurality.
Death, therefore, to comments. Long live discussion.