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January 11, 2007 ・ Blog

Nucklous Rope at vi-R-us has sent me one of them internet meme things. Seems Im to list 5 ‘interesting’ things about me. Well, here they are, friends.

  1. I’m currently listening to the Tindersticks’ Marbles. It was released in 1993, which means that I’ve been regularly listening to it for coming on 14 years, which is nearly half my life. Yet I’d never really realised it must be one of my favourite songs until today.
  2. When I was a kid, my heroes were Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson of Fighting Fantasy books fame. I wrote to them once, asking them to advise me on how to write my own FF-style book. Steve Jackson(’s secretary) replied on extremely thick and coarse yellowed cartridge paper that I thought amazingly classy. I don’t recall the advice was very helpful, though I did end up writing one some time later for a project set by my progressive, racing motorcycle-riding, multiple-divorcee first year secondary school English teacher, Mr Lawrence. It was about ninjas.
  3. My dad played table tennis with Bobby Robson once.
  4. Despite the fact I spend unhealthy amounts of time playing and thinking about videogames, I’m not so sure I actually enjoy them. I mean, they’re a bit of a chore, aren’t they?
  5. I feel a guilty wave of pride whenever my 18-month-old son expresses an interest in hitting stuff or taking things apart, even though I reckon I’m a reconstructed male.

Right. Time to tag five chums to pass this onto: